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Album Review: Mainline 10 - The Wolf (Runaway Música)

Artist: Mainline 10 Title: The Wolf Label: Runaway Música Release Date: 11/04/2018 Mainline 10 are a melodic punk band hailing from Sunny De Palma Mallorca (Spain), Formed way back in 2005 I have personally never heard these guys before and it looks like I have a hell of a lot of catching up to do.'The Wolf' is the bands fourth release and starts at breakneck speed think that classic Fat Wreck drumbeat mixed with the finest riffs from the Municipal Waste camp and this pretty much sums up the track "Rise & Fall". This continues throughout and these guys manage to serve up a great dose of melodic punk rock with pitch perfect vocal harmonies akin to their counterparts on the awesome Bird Attack Record label, clearly taking influences from bands on their roster such as Adrenalized, Belvedere and Mute to name a few. All in all this is a solid release that holds it's all within the genre.

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